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our mission


Real Truth Matters is the ministry of founder and director Michael Durham and fellow evangelist, Nathan Freeman. Real Truth Matters is about encouraging a fascination with Christ Jesus. This attraction to Christ should involve the mind, heart, and will. In too many cases, fascination consists of the mind or the heart, but seldom both mind and heart, and rarely all three. However, all three must all be engaged. Our pursuit of Christ should not be academic alone, emotion alone, or action alone.


The Word of God makes it a necessity that what we learn of Christ should move the soul to feel deeply, which in turn will lead the heart to act. One of the problems in many Christian circles is that truth is separated from its power. Real Truth Matters believes the Gospel of Jesus Christ must be proclaimed in the power of the Holy Spirit for it to affect the whole man. We pray we exemplify this New Testament principle and thereby promote the same.


1. The Gospel is the cornerstone of our salvation and must be accurately proclaimed and defended. In modern America, the Gospel has been replaced with both formal and informal ritualism. Whether it is keeping certain rules or rites or repeating prayers, much ‘gospel’ preaching today contains very little of the Gospel presented in the Bible. We must return to the Gospel and its essential elements without adding to or taking away from it. True revival is dependent upon it, and if we are to put an end to the parade of false converts flooding so-called churches, we must give the “full counsel of God.”


2. Truly walking with Christ means to daily rest and remain in Him. Most true Christians live far below the power Christ makes available to us through His Spirit. Christ’s death does more than just free us from hell. He frees us from wasted lives. He came to give us life more abundant, and by living desperately dependent on Him we discover the radical, life-changing power God gives freely to all His children.


3. Through the truth of His Gospel and by resting in Him, Christ, by His grace, will be our greatest treasure. To treasure Christ is to live a life of adoration and true worship for the Son of God. In doing so, He attains the greatest honor and glory, and we attain our greatest joy.

Meet The Team Behind RTM

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