By S. Michael Durham
We have seen thus far, in this series on faith, that I have a faith problem emanating from my fallen nature. I was born with a heart that does not want to trust God in the least. I want to trust me. The problem of faith is never the absence of it but faith in the wrong thing or person. The temptation in the Garden of Eden came down to whom Adam and Eve were going to trust—God or themselves. Of course, we know how they chose. And as a result, we have opted right along with our first parents. We inherited their rebellious nature, and it determines all we do. We were born with a sinful nature that does not have faith in God.
What hope, then, does any man have? If we are bound to our natures and can do nothing else but what our nature dictates, what hope for change? If I am bound to trust in myself alone and not in God, how shall I hope to be saved from my sin, my depravity, and myself? In the face of certain doom, comes the words of the prophet, “Salvation is of the Lord.” If you are to have deliverance from you, you need someone stronger than you. Again, you can only act according to nature, and your nature is contrary to God. Therefore, the very One we naturally distrust and hate, is our only hope of rescue.
What does a merciful God do to liberate the sinner? He creates by recreation. He takes the sinner and rebirths him anew. The new birth counteracts our first birth. The new birth is the birth of a renewed nature, not a perfect nature, but a renewed nature. To be born of the Spirit is to be given a spiritual impetus that is from above, given to us by our Spiritual Father. In no way does that make us divine, but as the Apostle Peter says in his second epistle, we partake, share, or participate in the divine nature. This new man, as the Apostle Paul calls the Christian, has holy affections and desires. By this grace work of the Spirit, we can exercise faith in God. It is standard equipment for the new heart to trust in God.
In conjunction with the giving of spiritual life is the fact that our old man, who we were before conversion, is gone. The Bible says the old man has been crucified with Christ (Romans 6:6). To put it another way, the old man is our human nature, ruled and dominated by sin. This is not a small thing. Let me explain.
When God regenerates you, the sinner, and you put your trust in Christ, there is a literal conversion or change. A transformation occurs. The principle of sin enslaving and controlling you is broken. You, as a new believer, are free to break with sin and no longer do sin’s bidding. You can now obey God from a heart of faith because sin’s power to enslave is gone.
But as wonderful as the gift of salvation is, it is not perfection. Not yet. The new believer confidently hopes for a day when he or she will be absolutely and completely rid of the corruption of sin. Even the ability to sin will be vanquished. However, until that day, we still have a mind and a body polluted. We may be dead to sin, but sin is not dead to us. We are still corrupted in our human nature and, therefore, still capable of sin. The mind and the body are not sinful, but within them are appetites and desires that are contrary to the Spirit. This is the remnant of the fallen human nature, with which we were born. The Bible calls it the flesh.
The Bible describes in Galatians 5:17 a hostility resides between the flesh and the Spirit within the Christian. The flesh promotes self, and the Spirit promotes Christ. Flesh trusts itself, whereas the Spirit trusts only Christ. So how are we to put our faith in God if we feel this tension between ourselves and God?
Thankfully, the answer is to walk in the Spirit, and we will not fulfill the lust of the flesh (Galatians 5:16). We consciously reject faith in ourselves and look to the Savior. This is all Jesus meant when He described the conditions of being a Christian, “If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me” (Matthew 16:24). Self-denial means I deny myself the right to trust in myself. I refuse to live my life by my own wisdom or strength. This is the key to faith.
One of the most difficult things for the Christian to learn is that he cannot trust God without God’s help. If I trust myself to trust God, then it is no more than my flesh trying to meet God’s requirement of faith. The sad fact is that even though I have a new heart, and the Spirit of God resides with me, I am still insufficient to trust and obey the Lord. I must look away from myself totally and look to the One who gives faith. Only He can maintain my faith, increase my faith, and preserve my faith. Only He can strengthen the faith that He has already given. Faith is still a gift from God. It is a spiritual gift, having spiritual substance. Otherwise, faith becomes me, straining my brain to believe in God. Sadly, this is what so many Christians think faith is—mere mental assent. If they can hurdle their own minds’ objections and feel like they believe, then they consider themselves to have faith in God.
If you are to have a strong faith, you must have a weak faith in you. Faith that is strong in God is based upon a strong belief in human helplessness. You must be absolutely convinced that without Jesus, you cannot even hope to have faith in God. You believe that Jesus meant what He said, “for without Me you can do nothing” (John 15:5). Your will must be exercised to renounce any self-sufficiency so that you may receive God’s sufficiency.
Is not this the lesson of nine frustrated disciples who could not cast out a demon from an afflicted child? Did they not pray to the Lord, “Why could we not cast it out?” Note the “we.” They tried to cast out the demon. Contrast that to the poor father’s prayer that was answered. The father of the demonized prayed, “Lord, I believe; help my unbelief!” You and I are not faith factories. We do not nor cannot produce faith in God. All we can do is exercise the faith that He gives. Maybe that is why the disciples eventually, after this event, prayed more accurately, “Increase our faith.”